Friday, May 25, 2012

Life's a ride, so hang on

Road to Zion - Utah by isaac.borrego
Road to Zion - Utah, a photo by isaac.borrego on Flickr.
I don't know were to start... I've had many great experiences at St.Mary's. We grew up with the same class mates since kindergarten; we've have some great memories together. Together we made it though everything; thick and thin, happy and sad, hard and easy. The thing i most appreciate is that I know that we've got each others backs going into the High School. In kindergarten we learned how to read and tie our shoes. First grade we learned about penguins and not just any penguin...Tacky the Penguin. Second grade we started to memorize prayers. Third we learned about endangered species and how we should care for the things around us. Also grade we also learned about and inventions and we got to make one. We thought our invention would change the world but we already were by showing our faith and what we learned about being a good Catholic outside of school. In forth grade we learned about the rain forest. As fifth graders we were the kings of the elementary and the small art room was the place to be! Sixth grade was a fun but tough year; not the grades but trying to fit in.  Everyone was trying to find who they are in this crazy world around us. Seventh grade was full of new experiences like mixed grade classes and being on the top floor of the school.  And now in eighth grade we had a lot of fun being the rulers of the school and have all the other students look up to you.  As our journy ends at St.Mary's, a new one begins at the high school but we will always hold a place in our hearts for St.Mary's. "Don't be afraid to keep moving on, For what was before, now has gone, God wants us to accomplish so much more, But we need to move forward in the Lord."

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